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Women’s Month 2020

CMU constituents along with the ever supportive Dr. Jesus Antonio G. Derije will celebrate the whole month of March as National Women’s Month.

The University Center for Gender and Development will spearhead the Women’s Month Culmination on March 26 at the University Convention Center with the following activities :
Talk on Women Empowerment
Photography Contest
Short Video Advcacy Contest
Spoken Poetry
Poster Making Contest

PRIZES are at stake!!!!

please don’t forget to like the CMU Gender & Development FB Page @

2020 Women’s Month Photography Contest Guidelines:

• Open to all CMU constituents, currently enrolled students, faculty members and staff.
• No registration fee.
• Photo should have not won nor have been published in any print publication or online.
• Participants may use any digital or film-based camera. Mobile Phone camera may also be used for capturing image.
• No need to print your entry. Just send your entry to with the following information:
Mobile Number
Title of your entry / Caption

• Criteria:
Content and value pertaining to the theme: 40%
Visual impact/artistic merit: 40%
Composition/ clarity and technical quality: 20%

First prize: 1500
Second Place:1,200
Third Place: 1,000

• Deadline of submission of entries is on March 20, 2020

2020 Women’s Month Short Video Advocacy Contest Mechanics and Guidelines

1. There is no registration fee!
2. CMU students, faculty, staff, and alumni can join.
3. Each entry must focus on this year’s National Women’s Month theme “WE MAKE CHANGE FOR WOMEN”.
4. Students may work together in groups or submit entries as individuals.
5. The length of the video should be 1-3minutes , not including the 10 second title screen (see #6).
6. All entries should begin with a 10 second full-screen “title screen” that includes the following information:
• Lead Producer’s name
• Department/College or year level
• Title of video
• Total running time (not including the 10 second title screen)
7. All information presented in the video must be cited, giving credit to the original source. Plagiarism of any kind will result in disqualification.
8. Entries may be submitted through,ph on or before March 23, 2020..
9. All entries must include subtitles.

• Ability to Effectively Tell A Story——30 %
• Production (Audio, Video, Visual Appeal)—30 %
• Uniqueness of Video Title, Tag, etc. ——20%
• Impact (Level of Motivational Messaging) – 20%

First prize: 2500
Second Place:1,500
Third Place: 1,000

2020 Women’s Month Spoken Poetry Contest
1. Open to all CMU Constituents (Students, faculty, and staff).
2. The spoken poetry must be an original composition. It could be written in English, Filipino or Bisaya.
3. Soft copy of the spoken poetry must be submitted to the organizers with the following details: name, sex, college/department on or before the March 23 @ or at CMU Gender and Development FB Page.
4. The piece must be related with the theme “We make change work for women” or women empowerment
5. Each contestant is given a maximum of 3-5 minutes to recite or deliver his/her piece. No deduction shall be made if the contestants finishes the delivery in less than the maximum time frame.
6. The spoken poetry must deliver from memory and any movement is confined on stage.
7. Attire appropriate for the spoken piece shall be worn during the contest.
8. Sounds, instrumental or musical background are allowed to compliment the delivery. No deduction shall be made if the contestant opts not to have a musical background.

Content value pertaining to the theme- 40%
Delivery and Performance- 20%.
Originality- 30%
Audience Impact- 10%

First prize: 1500
Second Place:1,200
Third Place: 1,000

2020 Women’s Month Poster Making Contest

1. Open to all CMU constituents, currently enrolled students, faculty members and staff.
• No registration fee.

criteria: creativity and presentation (40%), originality (30%) and relevance to the theme (30%).

First prize: 2000
Second Place:1,500
Third Place: 1,000

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