All administrative council members, executive assistants to the Office of the President, and Supreme Student Council Representative participate in the Budget Proposal Preparation Seminar-Workshop conducted today.Dr. Rico A. Marin, Vice President for Administration, says that active participation is important for this budget proposal preparation.Dr. Jesus Antonio G. Derije, University President, reminds the participants to ensure that prices for the procurement of supplies are up to date.Dir. Dynnith F. Suaberon of the Financial Management and Services Office talks about the overview of the budgeting process, financial operations of CMU and status of utilization, presents the proposed general fund for FY2022-Tier1 and Tier2, and the preparation of budget for FY2020.All administrative council members, executive assistants to the Office of the President, and Supreme Student Council Representative participate in the Budget Proposal Preparation Seminar-Workshop conducted today.Heads of units under the Office of the Vice President for Administration brainstorm about the budget proposal.Heads of units under the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs brainstorm about the budget proposal.Heads of units under the Office of the Vice President for Research, Development, and Extension brainstorm about the budget proposal.Engr. Roy A. Agbayani, Director for University Planning and Development Office, reviews updates on the latest infrastructure projects of the university.Mr. Edgar D. Baguio Jr., the university cashier, hosts the seminar-workshop.Dr. Jose Alexander A. Abella presents the program of activities and projects under the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.Dr. Rico A. Marin presents the program of activities and projects under the office of the Vice President for Administration.Dr. Alan P. Dargantes presents the program of activities and projects under the office of the Vice President for Research, Development, and Extension.Engr. Agbayani presents updates on the latest proposed infrastructure projects of the university.Mr. Charlie A. Mundal, University Budget Officer, answers some of the queries during the open forum.Heads of units under the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.Heads of units under the Office of the Vice President for Administration.Heads of units under the Office of the Vice President for Research, Development, and Extension.Heads of units under the Office of the Vice President for Resource Generation and Management Office.Overall committee of the University’s Seminar-Workshop on Budget Proposal Preparation.