The university hosted the 1st International Conference on Biodiversity and CEBREMs 6th anniversary with 165 participants from various national and international agencies and institutions on Nov. 15-17 at the Farmers Training Center.
Three of them were from the international agencies and institutions, nine from national agencies, and 153 from national institutions.
This conference is the collaborative effort of CMUs Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao (CEBREM), Philippine Long-Term Ecological Research Network (PhiLTERnet), and Institute of Biology in the University of the Philippines, Diliman.
It aims to gather top-notch experts on biodiversity to share their research activities, to promote and encourage researchers, young students, stakeholders, and to preserve our biodiversity, Dr. Victor Amoroso, Cebrem director, said in an interview.
We also celebrate our anniversary [through] information sharing with many stakeholders, he added.
In the opening program, Dr. Judith D. Intong, vice president for Academic Affairs, challenged the participants to fortify the linkages through policy support, networking, training, research, and database management.
Scientific pluralism is one of our collective undertakings that will lead us to conquer new grounds and to cover more distance, she said.
According to her, it was in 2000 that CMU organized and sponsored the 1st Symposium on the promotion on Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) and Biodiversity Studies in the Philippines in collaboration with the National Science Council of Taiwan, the East Asia-Pacific Regional LTER network committee and the National Research Council of the Philippines.
There were 50 competing scientific posters exhibited and 83 research papers presented during parallel sessions.
Themed with Strengthening Collaborations among Stakeholders for Biodiversity and Sustainable Ecosystems, the topics discussed during plenary sessions include the following:
- Strategies and Opportunities in Collaborative Research of Biodiversity and Biological Resources among Asian Countries by Dr. Ohseok Kwon, professor, Kyungpook National University (KNU), Republic of Korea;
- International Long-Term Ecological Research-East Asia-Pacific Regional Network (ILTER-EAP): History, Development, and Perspectives by Dr. Perry S. Ong, professor and dean, University of the Philippines Diliman;
- Mining, Metallophytes and Biodiversity Conservation by Dr. Edwino S. Fernando, professor, University of the Philippines Los Ba?os (UPLB);
- Diversity of Aquatic and Riparian Water Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Philippines: Checklist state of knowledge, priorities for future research and conservation by Dr. Hendrik Freitag, research coordinator, Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU);
- Faunal Diversity and Protected Area Management and Governance by Dr. Arvin C. Diesmos, Scientist III, National Museum of the Philippines;
- Challenges and Collaborations: Biodiversity and Natural Products by Dr. Annabelle P. Villalobos, DOST BALIK Scientist and research fellow, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, USA;
- Community-based Approaches for Long-Term Monitoring and Conservation of Biodiversity by Dr. Jayson C. Ibañez, research director, Philippine Eagle Center, Davao City; and
- Advancing Innovation in Business and Biodiversity in the ASEAN by Dr. Filiberto A. Pollisco, Jr., program specialist for Conservation Policy Research, ASEAN Center for Biodiversity, UP Los Baños.
Other sponsors of the conference were the Forest Foundation Philippines, Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, and Global Media Arts, among others. (JCCandole)