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AMPER Tops 2012 Licensure Examination for Agriculturists: CEBALLOS Nestled on the Ninth

Dr. Carolina D. Amper, a faculty of the Department of Plant Pathology of the College of Agriculture,  comfortably hitched the Top One( 1st place) in  the Licensure Examination for  Agriculturists (LEA) given last July 29-31, this year.

Dr. Amper , a quiet intellectual in her own right and a committed alumna of the College of Agriculture  finished her elementary , high school and college education from this university. She graduated  Magna Cum Laude in her  Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Plant Pathology) in 1993. She obtained her degree, Master of Science in Plant Pathology major in Biological Control minor in Microbiology in 2000 from the University of the Philippines, Los Banos (UPLB) and  her Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture in 2009 also from UPLB as an IFP- Ford Foundation fellow.

Dr. Amper is currently the University Registrar at the same time a faculty member of the Department of Plant Pathology of the college. She easily manages her time in the Registrar’s  office while handling major subjects in the department and doing some researches and extension work.

Meanwhile, Alfritz L.  Ceballos, another CMU alumnus bagged 9th place in the same licensure examination.

Mr. Ceballos, an Agronomy major,  who  graduated last March 2011 hails from Dagumbaan, Maramag, Bukidnon.

The College of Agriculture, holding on to its status as Center of Excellence in Agriculture has turned out  149 new agriculturists this year with  59.36% passing rate over the national passing of  37.9%.

The college gratefully acknowledges the honor brought about by Dr. Amper and Mr. Ceballos and the rest of the newly licensed agriculturists! Congratulations to all of you!

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