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UCGAD teams-up with HRMO to mainstream gender sensitivity among CMU ADCO members

The University Center for Gender and Development (UCGAD), together with the Human Resource and Management Office (HRMO), conducted a training-workshop on gender sensitivity among the university’s Administrative Council (ADCO) members on  January 21, 2021, at the Farmers Training Center.

The training-workshop aimed to mainstream gender sensitivity by highlighting gender as a social construct [an idea established and adopted by individuals in society] and social institution’s role to equipoise gender differences and become more conscious of gender myths and realities, recognize as well as address the gender-related problems.

“…as an administrator, as a teacher, as a mother, as a wife or as a husband… we have to know the role of social institutions on gender inequalities and be informed of the [possible] solutions we could offer,” Ms. Donnabelle G. Celebrado, the resource speaker who is also the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Specialist said in her talk.

The training-workshop for CMU ADCO members covered three important topics: the talks on Sex and Gender cum SOGIE by Prof. Bryan Lee D. Celeste, UCGAD focal person, and Gender Analysis and GESI by Ms. Donnabelle G. Celebrado, a GESI specialist.

The idea “respect begets respect” was also emphasized by Prof. Bryan Lee D. Celeste, a faculty from the Department of Behavioral Sciences,  and accentuated that SOGIE is not just for the LGBTQIA community [a common misconception], but for all. (LSimbajon)


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