CMU-College of Engineering launches the virtual OJT partnership with Hytec Power, Inc. to enhance the skills and knowledge of its students on June 29, 2021, 2:00-5:00 PM, via Zoom.
The CMU President, Dr. Jesus Antonio G. Derije, spearheaded the said launching with Dr. Alexander C. Abella, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Racquelyn Dadang, Director of Instruction; and Dr. Cheryl F. Daleon, Dean of the College of Engineering.
Other faculty, staff, and students from the Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering departments attended the virtual launching.

Meanwhile, the CEO and President of Hytec Power Inc., Eng. Eric Jude S. Solaiman assured that engineering students will experience virtual work environments. He further said that students’ competency in engineering fields will be honed so that students will have an advantage when applying for jobs in the future. Also, Hytec Power Inc. will provide the students access to various e-learning modules or tasks.
The program has an open forum where students and faculty from the different departments of the College of Engineering asked for clarifications regarding the virtual internship with Hytec Power, Inc. (JDFerrer)