Central Mindanao University was awarded with Quality Service Award as one of the top-ranking SUCs in the Philippines by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP).
The University clinched the top 5 with 59 programs accredited by AACCUP. The university was also awarded Certificate of Membership, and Certificate of Accreditation for Level I Accredited, Level II Re-accredited, and level III Re-accredited programs.
The awarding was one of the highlights of the 30th AACCUP Annual National Conference, Century Park Hotel, Malate Manila, on Feb. 15-17.
AACCUP evaluates and accredits the curricular programs of the state universities and colleges (SUCs) in the Philippines to develop a mechanism and conduct the evaluation of programs and institutions.
At present, there are 59 out of 67 programs or 88.06% were accredited. All of the 26 (undergraduate) programs were subjected for accreditation where one program was accredited for level 1, nine for level II, and 16 for level III
For graduate degree programs, 33 out of 39 or 84.62% were subjected for accreditation. Eight programs were level I accredited, two level II accredited, and 23 level III accredited.
The following criteria were used for the ranking of top 10 SUCs:
1. Accredited Programs, which include the level of program accreditation (from Candidate to level IV and to Institutional) and the number of accredited programs per level for a maximum of 50 points only;
2. Cooperativeness in sending accreditors during survey visits, for a maximum of 15 points;
3. IQA Unit whether it exists as a task force, formally organized, with staff, budget, and special orders, for a maximum of 15 points;
4. Participation to AACCUP trainings, the number of participants and the frequency , for a maximum of 15 points;
5. Participation of SUC to the Mid-Year and Annual Conferences, for a maximum of 5 points;
6. Awards as top 10 for the past 5 years, as to the level of award, for a maximum of 5 points.
The following are the list of the programs and the level of accreditation status and its duration of validity:
Level III Re-accredited
BS in Biology
BS in Mathematics
AB in English
AB in Political Science
AB in Psychology
BS in Agribusiness Management
BS in Agriculture (Majors: Crop Science, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Education, Animal Science, Agricultural Economics, Crop Protection, Soil Science
BS in Chemistry
BS in Development Communication
Bachelor of Secondary Education
BS in Agricultural Engine
BS in Civil Engineering
BS in Electrical Engineering
BS in Forestry
BS in Home Economics (Majors: Home Economics Education, Food Business Management)
BS in Mechanical Engineering
Doctor Veterinary Medicine
MA in Education, major in Administration and Supervision
MA in Home Economics Education
MA in Language Education, major in English
MS in Agricultural Economics
MS in Agricultural Education
MS in Agricultural Extension
MS in Agronomy
MS in Animal Science
MS in Entomology
MS in General Science Education
MS in Horticulture
MS in Mathematics Education
MS in Plant Pathology
MS in Soil Science
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
Ph.D. in Agricultural Education
Ph.D. in Agronomy
Ph.D. in Animal Science
Ph.D. in Educational Administration
Ph.D. in Entomology
Ph.D. in Horticulture
Ph.D. in Plant Pathology
Ph.D. in Soil Science
Level II Re-accredited
AB in History
BS in Accountancy
BS in Business Administration
BS in Environmental Science
BS in Food Technology
BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management
BS in Information Technology
BS in Nursing
BS in Nutrition and Dietetics
BS in Office Administration
Level I Accredited
AB in Sociology
MA in English
MS in Agribusiness Management
MS in Biology
MS in Forestry
MS in Mathematics
MS in Food Science
Ph.D. in Biology
Ph.D. in Mathematics