CMU commends student achievers

Academic honorees, including the university’s board examination top notchers, top performing programs, programs with 100% passing rate, outstanding student leaders and organizations, and student ambassadors for international relations, were recognized at the university recognition program on May 12, 2023 at the University Convention Center.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Raquelyn Dadang highlighted in her opening remarks the importance of recognizing students’ efforts in hopes of inspiring them to continue excelling.

“Now, with the accolades, we can really say that CMU has been on the right track, and we should continue these efforts. And one way of sustaining this performance is to mold and inspire our students to study harder and harder and give acknowledgment and appreciation for their splendid performance,” Dr. Dadang expressed.

In his video message, Dr. Freddie T. Bernal, CMU OIC-President and CHED 10 Regional Director, lauded the achievers for their success. He also described CMUans as world-class and ready to answer the demands of time.

This message was echoed by Director of Instruction Dr. Melrose Condino. “Apart from that, by recognizing excellence in academics, service, and leadership, we are giving due regard to the values and morals these awardees exemplify, including discipline, determination, and passion for learning.”

Meanwhile, one of the university honors from the College of Agriculture, Mr. Lembert Neil Ayta, was thankful for the recognition received and expressed delight for being able to celebrate the occasion with his fellow students with the face-to-face ceremony.

“I am very much thankful to the CMU administration and the faculty for recognizing our academic performance in which we have put effort, hard work, and sincere perseverance for our commitment to excel in our academic standing,” Ayta shared.

A total of 502 university honors, 2,602 college honors, 258 freshmen honors, ten awardees, 29 student ambassadors, 12 board top notchers, and three departments were recognized in the whole-day affair. This year’s ceremony was also the first in-person program held in the last three years following the pandemic. This was also live-streamed through the university’s Facebook page. [Johnica Chantal G. Montero]

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