Dr. Ricardo E. Rotoras, President of the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) and President of Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST) spoke before the CMU faculty members at the 2013 Annual Faculty Conference on July 18 at the Farmers Training Center. Dr. Rotoras is a nationally recognized expert in higher education. His numerous achievements in research, leadership and management allowed him to serve as PASUC President in his second term.
“It’s an honor to be invited to this famous university,” Dr. Rotoras started. Although Dr. Soliven was not around during the conference due to other pertinent national commitments, Dr. Rotoras explained that she was ably represented by the Vice Presidents whom he also referred to as the lieutenants and/or generals. “The Vice Presidents to me are also presidents of their respective offices. Any SUC President has no business of staying longer inside the University. The President always travels somewhere and looks for blessings that can be brought back to the University.”
Dr. Rotoras stressed that CMU is the best among the State Universities and Colleges in Region 10 because of its strong faculty force of which majority have advanced degrees. “The strength of a university lies on its faculty members, therefore, unity and cooperation are very crucial,” Dr. Rotoras emphasized.
He shared that Dr. Soliven has been very supportive and cooperative of his PASUC presidency, particularly in the implementation of the organization’s many activities. Accordingly, her cooperation has been really valuable in sustaining PASUC as an organization.
Dr. Rotoras is a man of power and charisma. Those in attendance were charmed and inspired of his thoughts and pronouncements. In the open forum, Dr. Rotoras was asked many questions on several issues: the NBC promotion system, hiring of faculty members, renewal of contracts for job order faculty, and the involvement of faculty members in research and extension, among others. Dr. Rotoras responded to all questions generously and incisively. Indeed, the CMU faculty had learned a lot from him.
Lastly, as part of university traditions, Ms. Zenaida Torrepalma (OIC-Human Resources Management Office, HRMO) introduced the 47 newly hired faculty members. Further, a total of 32 returning faculty members were also given Certificates of Recognition for finishing advanced degrees. Three hundred twenty- six faculty members attended the conference (FCT & KDZ).