Photo by Jeson Candole
International Relations Officer Dr. Joy M. Jamago expressed her thanks to the organizers of Teach for the Philippines, Inc. as it gives hope to retirees to teach even after their retirement age. TFPI Representative Maria Michaela S. Bautista said that “No age limit for those interested individual who wants to teach under our organization, provided that the applicant is qualified.” Furthermore, Dr. Jamago explained that she is pretty sure that there are some other retirees who would like to continue their teaching passion and profession even after retirement. “This was the hanging question raised by one of our professors here in CMU, the possibility to teach for the organization even after retirement.” The aforementioned statement was said by Dr. Jamago in an up close interview during a forum held last September 17, 2015 at the Human Ecology Room-14, College of Human Ecology.
During the forum, Bautista spoke about “Nation- Building through Education: Invest in Teaching and Yourself” in which she emphasized that working as a public school teacher is a passion. “Once you will become a fellow of TFP, you will avail of the trainings and seminars, plus, the organization will spend for your study for additional 18 units of education to prepare yourselves in taking the Licensure Examination for Teachers,” Baustista said.
Moreover, it was learned that a screening started mid-September of 2015 in which Revolva was reported to say that “Pag kayo ay natanggap because you belong to the best, then you enjoy the salary equivalent to Teacher I chargeable against the organization fund.”
-Annabel L. Nambatac/ Chantal Espinosa