Breaking News

Office of Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs has five different units headed by the following:

1. Information, Monitoring and Evaluation Services Unit
Head: Noel E. Margate, RGC

2. Guidance and Counseling Services Unit
Head: Romualdo A. Tolentino, RGC

3. Student Organizations and Activities Unit
Head: Dr. Josephine M. Gascon

4. Student Housing and Residential Services Unit
Head: Mr. Robert C. Gamil

5. Student Discipline and Grievance Unit
Head: Mr. Nestor B. Manuta

Information, Monitoring and Evaluation Services Unit

The Student Handbook is being developed by the Student Handbook Revision Committee headed by Mr. Margate. The team targets the release of the revised Student Handbook on the first semester of school year 2016-2017.

Guidance and Counseling Services

The Guidance and Counseling Center (GCC) facilitates in the conduct of Freshmen Orientation Program. Career Counseling is offered to all graduating students and other students seeking career counseling.

Student Housing and Residential Services

The six (6) dormitories in this university annually conduct an Open House. This activity promotes camaraderie among students and develop the sense of team building. Also, it has been a practice to invite external evaluators to screen and critic the different dormitories.

Student Organizations and Activities

Recognition/accreditation, supervision and monitoring of student organizations including the evaluation of their activities and accomplishments are the core responsibilities of this unit. Student Organizations are classified into:

(1) University Wide
(2) College Council
(3) Class
(4) Non-Class
(5) Greeks

In applying for registration of student organizations, the students should comply all the registration requirements and even attended the Strategic Planning Seminar held before the start of classes. OSA will check the documents and interview the new organizations and Fraternities/Sororities. The OSA director will recommend the qualified student organizations to be registered and shall function in the university abiding the rules and regulations of the institution. It is of great advantage for all Registered Student Organizations to be recognized for they can conduct all their activities in and off-campus if with the approval of the University President.

List of Register Student Organizations for S.Y 2019-2020

Student Discipline and Grievance

Complaints involving students were handled by this unit. Sanctions are imposed based on the Student Handbook or University Code.


1. Issue Certificate of Good Moral

Who can avail:
a. Undergraduate
b. Graduate

What are the requirements:
a. Request Slip CMU-F- OSA-001
b. Official Receipt (OR)
c. Student General Clearance/ Transcript of Records

a. Fill out the request slip
b. Pay 80php at the cashier
c. Present your request slip, OR and TOR to the OSA staff

2. Issue Certificate of Lost Student ID

Who can avail:
a. Undergraduate

What are the requirements:
a. Request Slip CMU-F- OSA-002
b. Official Receipt (OR)

a. Fill out the request slip
b. Pay 80php at the cashier
c. Present your request slip and OR to the OSA staff

3. Accept Student Assistants applicants

Who can apply:
a. Bonafide college student

a. No failing grades in the previous semester
b. Carry the regular academic load indicated in his/her curricular program
c. Should be of good moral standing and have a  positive attitude towards work

What to submit:
a. Application Letter addressed to the OSA Director
b. Grades of the previous semester
c. Bio-data with current pictured.
d. Current COR