Breaking News

First Internal Quality Audit 2021

Central Mindanao University’s first IQA

No Name of OfficeOffice Code
1Accounting UnitACC
2Administrative Services OfficeASO
3Agricultural Experiment CenterAEC
4Alumni Relations and Linkages Office ARL
5Bids and Awards CommitteeBAC
6Budget UnitBUD
7Capability Building UnitCBU
8Cashiers UnitOUC
9Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in MindanaoCEB
10CMU PressCPR
11College of AgricultureCOA
12College of Arts and SciencesCAS
13College of Business and ManagementCBM
14College of EducationCED
15College of EngineeringCOE
16College of Forestry and Environmental ScienceFES
17College of Human EcologyCHE
18College of Information Science and Computing
19College of NursingCON
20College of Veterinary MedicineCVM
21Data Privacy OfficeDPO
22Disaster Risk Reduction Management OfficeDRR
23Financial Management Services OfficeFMS
24General Services OfficeGSO
25Health Services UnitHSU
26Human Resource Management OfficeHRM
27Information and Communication UnitICU
28Inspectorate Team for Supplies and MaterialsITS
29Intellectual Property and Technology Business ManagementIPT
30Internal Audit ServicesIAS
31International Relations OfficeIRO
32Legal OfficeLEG
33Management Information System OfficeMIS
34Monitoring Evaluation and Documentation UnitMED
35National Service Training ProgramNST
36Natural Products Research and Development CenterNPR
37Office of Admissions, Scholarships and PlacementASP
38Office of Student AffairsOSA
39Office of the Director of InstructionDOI
40Office of the PresidentOUP
41Office of the University RegistrarOUR
42Project Implementation UnitPIU
43Public Relations and Information OfficePRI
44Quality Assurance OfficeQAO
45Records Management UnitRMU
46Research OfficeRES
47Security Services UnitSSU
48Supply & Property Management UnitSPM
49Techno Demo Services UnitTDS
50University Center for Gender and DevelopmentGAD
51University Extension OfficeUEO
52University HomestayOUH
53University LibraryLIB
54University Planning and Development OfficeUPD
55Vice President for Academic AffairsVAA
56Vice President for AdministrationVPA
57Vice President for Research, Development and ExtensionRDE
58Quality Management RepresentativeQMR
59Lead Internal Quality AuditorIQA
60Lead Document ControllerLDC
61Pollution Control OfficerPCO
62Mt. Musuan
63University Museum
64Natural Science Research CenterNSR