To all CMUCAT registrants who are not able to take the online CMUCAT last May 18, 2022 (Wednesday) you can take the online exam on May 25, 2022 (Wednesday) only. Please join the Zoom Meeting one hour before the scheduled examination. Kindly read and follow the instructions religiously.
Note: Kindly check your email or spam mail to check your zipgrade credentials.

Check these links for some instructions.

• To register, visit https://devops.cmu.edu.ph/doorstep/
• For re-takers, a Non-refundable testing fee must be paid online using this link: https://www.lbp-eservices.com/egps/portal/Merchants.jsp or over the counter at CMU Cashier’s Office.
• Proof of payment (if re-taker) and scanned copy of the filled-out application form will be submitted through: https://forms.gle/s1XwKdvYXL7EkDo69
• Please check your inbox/spam mail to see the instructions from OASP on how to access the online CMUCAT examination.
• You may also check the steps through this video: https://www.facebook.com/CMUOASP/videos/5465370156841057
• Takers should be in the Zoom meeting ONE HOUR before the scheduled time.

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