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CMU hosts KAAD Scholarship Symposium

Students listen to Dr. Heinrich Geiger as he presents the KAAD scholarship grant.
Students listen to Dr. Heinrich Geiger as he presents the KAAD scholarship grant.

The Linkages and Technology and Licensing Office (LTLO) in cooperation with the Office of Admissions, Scholarships and Placement (OASP) hosted a symposium on the Opportunities for Sponsored Graduate Studies under the Katholisscher Akademisher Auslander-Dienst (KAAD) Scholarship grant on July 6, 2013 at the University Convention Center (UCC).

The symposium sought to inform the graduating students and some interested faculty and staff of CMU about the opportunities for graduate studies in Germany through the KAAD scholarship grant.

KAAD is a scholarship organization of the German Catholic Church that provides financial and civic educational support for high potential post-graduate scholars from Africa, Asia (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and China), Latin America and Eastern Europe. The organization has been providing scholarship programs for post-graduates that already have gained professional experiences and are interested in graduate studies or research stay in Germany.

Mr. Horacio Factura, a KAAD Alumnus from Xavier University who took his master’s degree in Germany shared to the participants his wonderful experiences as a KAAD scholarship recipient. He also inspired the students through a video presentation about his life in Germany, travels around Europe, the learning he acquired from his fellow international students and how he socialized with the Filipino communities in Germany.

LTLO Head, Dr. Joy M. Jamago and OASP Head, Dr. Nenita C. Prado give the Certificate of Appreciation and token to Dr. Geiger.
LTLO Head, Dr. Joy M. Jamago and OASP Head, Dr. Nenita I. Prado give the Certificate of Appreciation and token to Dr. Geiger.

Dr. Heinrich Geiger, Head, KAAD Asia Department discussed about the scholarship, application requirements, academic and personal qualifications of scholars and some information about Germany. Dr. Geiger was amazed on the number of students attending the symposium. He said that anyone interested in the scholarship must have a clear vision of his/her future, on what he/she really wants to achieve in taking up master or doctoral degrees abroad.

The CMU Bidlisiw Dance Troupe impressed the German national, KAAD alumni, and participants with the ethnic dance they performed.

The event was participated in by more than 2,000 senior students, and some faculty members and staff. The symposium was held in collaboration with the Office of the Student Affairs (OSA), University Senior Student Council (USSCO), University Public Information Office (UPIO), General Services and the Auxiliary Services Unit (KDZambas/UPIO).

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