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CMU-DEVCOM graduate class, in coordination with PRIO, hosts a webinar on empowering the public through development communication

The graduate seminar class of the Department of Development Communication hosts a webinar on empowering the public through development communication, in partnership with the Public Relations and Information Office (PRIO),
Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP), Philippine Information Agency (PIA), Provincial Government of Bukidnon, and the Public Affairs, Information and Assistance (PAIA), today, via Zoom.The webinar intends to provide information sectors, government communicators, and the academe an opportunity to gain knowledge and insights on the emerging communication issues particularly this time of pandemic, and provide ways to address these issues through strategic communication approaches. 

“In this COVID-19 pandemic, we have experienced that timely, relevant, and accurate information is as critical as food and other necessities to thrive well,” Dr. Ele D. Lunzaga, Chairperson of the Department of Development Communication, said in her opening remarks. 

Through this webinar, she hopes that society would learn more about engaging with indigenous peoples and stakeholders, community reporting, and cultural empowerment. 

The invited speakers come from different parts of the country, using and practicing development communication principles in their various niches. 

The webinar showcases four topics that include the “Considerations in Writing about and Engaging with Indigenous Peoples: The Kitanglad Experience” by Ma. Easterluna S. Canoy, Executive Director of the Kitanglad Integrated NGOs, Inc. (KIN); “Documenting and Reporting Development in the Community” by Walter I. Balane, Head of the Bukidnon State University’s Information and Publication Services; “Discourse on Cultural Empowerment in the Field of Indigenous Environment and Development through Film” by Dexter B. Cayanes, an award-winning writer and filmmaker, and an associate professorial lecturer at the UPLB’s Department of Humanities; and “Engaging Stakeholders: Collaborative Strategies to Economic and Social Development” by Malcolm C. Flores, a Cultural Affairs Associate for Mindanao Programs and Professional Exchange Programs of the US Embassy in the Philippines. 

“The topics proved to be informative, engaging, and inspiring,” Prof. Mayflor P. Arambala, Director of the Public Relations and Information Office (PRIO), said in her closing remarks. She affirmed that communication plays a crucial role in today’s pandemic. “When me, you, all of us are empowered in communication, the better we can recognize issues and find common grounds for action. As shared by our speakers, we can communicate through our researches and extension works and come up with books, films, news…” she added. 

There are 86 participants who joined via Zoom and 5387 people reached through FB Live. These participants include the Development Communication undergraduate and graduate students, Local Government Units in Bukidnon, and the private and public agencies and institutions nationwide, among others. (RGPadoginog)

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