Wednesday , 12 February 2025
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Bayan Mo, iPatrol Mo: CMU Tayo na!

Be informed. Get involved. Take responsibility. Be united. Be productive. Be transformed. These are the call of CMU students for a responsible, productive and well-informed youth in the society as they raised their cellphones together while saying “Bayan mo, ipatrol mo!” at the University Convention Center, Central Mindanao University on March 26, 2013.

For the first time, through the initiative of Hon. Grant M. Amoncio, the President of the Supreme Student Council (SSC) supported by the CMU President, Dr. Maria Luisa R. Soliven took the lead for social involvement and transformational leadership campaign through citizen journalism promoting Bayan mo, ipatrol mo: CMU Tayo na!

 CMU students join the walk for peace     around the campus
CMU students join the walk for peace around the campus

The event “Bayan mo, ipatrol mo: CMU Tayo na!” aimed to introduce citizen journalism to the Filipino youth today by establishing a network of CMUans advocating volunteerism in nation building. The move desires to inspire the participating students by professing and practicing actively the citizen journalism in nation building. This thrust is a step toward grassroots achievement for United Nations Millennium Development Goals by clean and honest Philippine elections 2013.

Ms Jing Castañeda discusses about Citizen Journalism
Ms Jing Castañeda discusses about Citizen Journalism

Speakers from various government and private departments were invited to share their approaches toward winning peace for Filipino youth. This move was directed to expose novice voters on these departments’ significant roles in Philippine Elections 2013.

 Lt.Col Eugenio Julio Osias IV from the 4th Civil Military Operations Battalion 4ID shared the Philippine Army Civil Military approaches to the internal Peace Security Program. He said that the Phil. Army Civil Military is driven by People – Centered and Whole-of-Nation approaches which promote peace and amity. It means less of combat but more on helping resolving issues and delivering basic government services to people. Furthermore, Atty. Gina Luna Zayas-Sabio, Regional Election Attorney in Region 10, Cagayan de Oro City briefed young voters on the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) Machine’s proper operation and the appropriate way of using sample ballots. They performed dry run having ten voter representatives. Ms. Jing Castañeda, a representative from ABS-CBN Broadcasting Company presented an overview of the BMPM Citizen Journalism. She explained the power of mobile phones, internet and traditional media convergence known as the digital revolution in pursuing transformation. She challenged the young voters to participate and take responsibility as watchdogs of the government.

Ms. Jing Castañeda (3rd from right) together     with Dr. Maria Luisa R. Soliven, University President and some CMU officials     and representatives from the 4th Civil Military Operations Battalion 4ID     headed by Lt. Col Eugenio Julio Osias
Ms. Jing Castañeda (3rd from right) together
with Dr. Maria Luisa R. Soliven, University President and some CMU officials
and representatives from the 4th Civil Military Operations Battalion 4ID
headed by Lt. Col Eugenio Julio Osias

The CMU Administration, ABS-CBN “Bayan mo, ipatrol mo, tayo na!,” CMU National Service Training Program (NSTP), Propelling Our Inherited Nation Through our Youth, Inc. (POINTY), Commission on Elections (COMELEC), Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) and Philippine National Police (PNP) supported the undertaking. A total of 794 participants joined the activity comprising students, faculty, staff, guests and private partners (RGPadoginog/UPIO).

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