ANNOUNCEMENTOfficially Enrolled Students who were not able to fill out the “Student Profiling Survey”

Officially Enrolled Students who were not able to fill out the “Student Profiling Survey” are REQUIRED to fill-out using the following link:

Your responses will be the bases for the modality of teaching-learning delivery per student this 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022.
To ease the network traffic, a Schedule per College will be implemented.
Student Profiling Survey Schedule
August 17* College of Education
August 18* College of Arts and Sciences
August 19* College of Nursing
August 20* College of Human Ecology
August 21* College of Agriculture
August 22* College of Agriculture
August 23* College of Veterinary Medicine
August 24* College of Business & Mgt.
August 25* College of Forestry and Env. Sci.
August 26* College of Info. Sci. & Computing
August 27* College of Engineering
August 27-30 Open to all

*From 8:00 am of your schedule to7:59 am the next day
Please STRICTLY follow your respective schedules
For questions and assistance, please email the MIS Office at

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