[ANNOUNCEMENT] Jobs and Business Fair 2023

The Central Mindanao University, in partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), will hold its Annual Jobs and Business Fair on March 22-23, 2023, at the University Convention Center (UCC).


  • The Central Mindanao University, in partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), will hold its Annual Jobs and Business Fair on March 22-23, 2023, at the University Convention Center (UCC). To confirm your participation, scan the QR code and register. Note: Kindly download the Jobseeker Registration Form, complete it, and bring it during the event. Also, please prepare your resume links before going to the venue. The event program flow will follow soon. Information and Poster from the Central Mindanao University-Office of Admissions, Scholarships & Placement
  • Open to CMU Students, Graduating students, and Alumni

Attached are the event announcements and memorandum
for graduating students for your guidance: Here!

Online Pre-registration link: Here!

Jobseeker Registration Form: Here!

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