Central Mindanao University (CMU) is committed to providing quality services in instruction, research, extension, and production. To further this mission, the bureau heads and secretariat members of selected units participated in a two-day orientation on the Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) from October 22 to 23, 2024, at the College of Arts and Sciences Auditorium.

The orientation was organized by the Office of Human Resource Management (OHRM), to enhance employee engagement, boost productivity, and improve organizational success metrics. It also sought to align organizational performance with the Philippine Development Plan, Agency Strategic Plan, and Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) while ensuring effectiveness through the cascading of accountabilities and the integration of performance management with other HR systems.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Rolito G. Eballe, University President, emphasized the importance of CMU employees’ participation in the performance management process to achieve the institution’s objectives. “Let us seize this opportunity to strengthen our dedication to public service and ensure that we serve our clients, students, faculty, parents, LGUs, industries, and other stakeholders with the utmost excellence,” Dr. Eballe asserted.
Ms. Dharyl Jean A. Indino and Dir. Maria Cristina Gorgonia T. Saligumba from the Civil Service Commission-Field Office Bukidnon were invited as subject matter experts to discuss various topics related to the SPMS. Additionally, the four offices of the university’s vice presidents—Academic Affairs, Research, Development and Extension, Resource Generation and Management, and Administration—presented their Office Performance Commitment and Review (OPCR) for critique by the experts.
Furthermore, a selected bureau head and a secretariat member presented the Division Performance Commitment and Review (DPCR) and Individual Performance Commitment Review (IPCR) forms for evaluation, incorporating feedback for improvement.
The SPMS orientation serves as a mechanism that connects employee performance with organizational performance, enhancing the performance orientation of the compensation system. It ensures that employees meet the organization’s objectives, ultimately supporting the goals outlined in its strategic plan.
In total, 50 participants, including bureau heads and secretariat members from CMU, completed the SPMS orientation [Mary Jane D. Bravo].