[1] Must be a graduate of a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, Forestry, or any allied/related degree programs.
[2] Preferably with training and/or experience in laboratory procedures
[3] Must have basic knowledge of safety practices related to handling and disposing of chemicals, and other laboratory materials
[4] Must possess exceptional skills in filing records and categorizing laboratory equipment/tools
[5] Knowledgeable on the basic computer operations and software (e.g., Microsoft Office)
[6] Able to work effectively both independently and as part of a team
[7] Good communication skills, both written and verbal
[1] Application Letter
[2]Transcript of Records
[3] Personal Data Sheet
[4] Other relevant attachments like Certificates of training/seminars attended, etc.
Interested applicants may send their application letter addressed to:
University President
Submit the required documents to hrmo.rsp@cmu.edu.ph