Qualifications (Based on CMO 27 s. 2017):
[1] Registered Professional Accountants in the Philippines with current PRC Identification Cards[2] Preferably, a holder of a valid Certificate of Accreditation as an Accounting Teacher from the BOA/PRC
[3] Preferably, a holder of at least a master’s degree in accountancy, or other related area of studies
[4] Preferably, must have earned twelve (12) units of professional education subjects or equivalent program
[5] Three years of relevant practical experience (in the fields of public practice, commerce and industry, or government
[6] A member in good standing (MIGS) of PICPA.
[7] Must be of good moral character
[1] Application Letter addressed to:ROLITO G. EBALLE, PhD
University President
[2] CSC Form 212 – Personal Data Sheet, Revised 2017
[3] Transcript of Records (TOR)
[4] Curriculum Vitae with supporting document