One of the key objectives of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao (CEBREM) is to establish linkages and collaborate with other institutions concerned with biodiversity studies. In line with this objective, CEBREM has partnered with the Center for Geomatics Research and Extension in Mindanao (GEOMIN) to lead a GIS Training Workshop for CEBREM researchers.

The training workshop participants with Dr. Amoroso, the Program Head of LTER, Dr. Florfe M. Acma, the Director of CEBREM and Dr. Maria Melanie M. Guiang, NSRC Director with the Resource Persons from GeoMin
The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Training Workshop marked the beginning of a significant collaboration between the two RDE Centers housed in Central Mindanao University. Recognizing the critical role of GIS in research, the workshop equipped CEBREM researchers with essential spatial data analysis skills. GIS is a powerful tool that enhances CEBREM’s research outputs, particularly through GIS-generated maps used to monitor vegetation changes in Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites.

NAST Academician and Professor Emeritus Dr. Victor B. Amoroso providing a brief introduction on the LTER project and outputs
This initiative, led by NAST Academician and Professor Emeritus Dr. Victor B. Amoroso, underscores the importance of collaboration and the application of GIS in biodiversity research. The entire GeoMin team, headed by Chief EnP Eric N. Bruno, welcomed this partnership and looks forward to more collaborative work with CEBREM on spatial analysis of research and extension outputs.

Data checking and mentoring for CEBREM researchers on GIS, with Dr. Alex S. Olpenda, Head of the Technical Services Unit of GeoMin
A total of Sixteen participants from CEBREM, headed by Dr. Florfe M. Acma, gained hands-on experience in GIS application and map generation using LTER data. This training workshop facilitated a mutual exchange of learning and skills for both CEBREM and GeoMin. CEBREM generates quantitative data for the GeoMin to transform them into spatial and temporal data for a better understanding of LTER.
The workshop has opened up possible avenues for engaging Research, Development, and Extension (RDE) centers in CMU for collaborative work. This engagement with other RDE Centers is a manifestation of CEBREM’s strategy to engage other expertise and disciplines for a holistic understanding of biodiversity. [Dr. Angela Grace Toledo-Bruno and Ms. Iyren Dalipe-Neri]

Participants showing off the proof of completion to the basic GIS and RS training workshop