ANNOUNCEMENT: There will be special Central Mindanao University College Admission Tests (CMUCAT) via online and face-to-face on June 29, 2022.

Please click this Google form link:

for you to choose the mode examination.

The Doorstep will be closed for registration on June 25.

There will be no more special examination after this schedule.

To register, click this link


1. Vaccination card (for those who opt to take the face-to-face)

2. Duly filled out and signed application form

• Printable after online application at

• Signed by Student and Guidance Counselor or School Principal

3. Two (2) pcs 1×1 ID picture

4. Ballpen (blue/black ink)

5. Facemask and Alcohol

6. School ID (if available)


Takers from January-May 2022 with “NOT QUALIFIED” and “INVALID” status are not allowed to take this examination.

For more information, you may call or text the ADMISSIONS UNIT OFFICIAL NUMBERS: 09050897868 and 09121411345 or


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