HIRING: The Electrical Engineering Department needs a full-time faculty member with a 24-unit academic load.

1. An Electrical Engineer with a valid PRC license.
2. Preferably with a Graduate Degree in Engineering, with a good to excellent academic record (no failing grade).
3. Willing to teach Mathematics, Engineering Science, and Electrical Engineering Subjects.
4. Experience in Industry and/or teaching is an advantage.

1. Application letter
2. Resume
3. Transcript of Record (TOR)
4. Relevant Certificates of Training/ Seminars/ Workshops attended
5. Certificate of Employment (if Applicable)

Please Address the application letters to:

SUC-President IV

Submit the needed requirements at the Department of Electrical Engineering email: electrical.engineering@cmu.edu.ph or FB page BSEECMU

Applicants must prepare a 10-minute presentation for an online teaching demo scheduled on July 5, 2022.
The deadline for the submission of requirements is on July 4, 2022.

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