Officially Enrolled Students who were not able to fill out the “Student Profiling Survey” are REQUIRED to fill-out using the following link:
Your responses will be the bases for the modality of teaching-learning delivery per student this 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022.
To ease the network traffic, a Schedule per College will be implemented.
Student Profiling Survey Schedule
August 17* College of Education
August 18* College of Arts and Sciences
August 19* College of Nursing
August 20* College of Human Ecology
August 21* College of Agriculture
August 22* College of Agriculture
August 23* College of Veterinary Medicine
August 24* College of Business & Mgt.
August 25* College of Forestry and Env. Sci.
August 26* College of Info. Sci. & Computing
August 27* College of Engineering
August 27-30 Open to all
*From 8:00 am of your schedule to7:59 am the next day
Please STRICTLY follow your respective schedules
For questions and assistance, please email the MIS Office at