List of Vacant Non-Teaching Positions as of August 2016



ENGINEER II Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering relevant to the Job;
1 Year Relevant Experience;
4 Hours Relevant Training;
RA 1080
AGRICULTURIST I Bachelor’s Degree relevant to the Job;
RA 1080 (LEA)
SECURITY OFFICER II Bachelor’s Degree Relevant to the Job;
1 Year of Relevant Experience;
4 Hours of Relevant Training;
Career Service (Professional) Second Level Eligibility
SECURITY GUARD III High School Graduate;
1 Year of Relevant Experience;
4 Hours of Relevant Training;
Security Guard License (MC 11, s. Cat. II)
SECURITY GUARD II High School Graduate;
Security Guard License (MC 11, s. Cat. II)
SECURITY GUARD I High School Graduate;
Security Guard License (MC 11, s. Cat. II)

CLICK HERE To View Salary Grades

Qualified Applicants for any vacant non-teaching position must submit their letter of intent together with supporting documents enumerated below:

  1. Updated Resume (with picture, contact number, and any relevant work experiences)
  2. Certificate of Eligibility (RA1080, PD907, CS Professional/CS Sub Professional depending on required qualification standard of the published non-teaching position)
  3. Transcript of Records if Applicable
  4. Certificates of Training and Seminars Attended (Not later than 5 years).

Deadline for submission of Application Letter will be on August 30, 2016

Director, Human Resource Management Office

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