CEBREM call for papers

Call for Papers: 5th Scientific Conference and Workshop on Philippine Long-Term Ecological Research

        The Organizing Committee invites you to the 5th Scientific Conference and Workshop on Long-Term Ecological research. This Scientific Meeting and Workshop is jointly organized by Philippine Long-Term Ecological Research (PhiLTER), Institute of Biology, Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines-Diliman (UPD) and Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao (CEBREM), Central Mindanao University. This is hosted by CEBREM at Central Mindanao University, the Academic Paradise of the South.

Background and Rationale of the Conference

        It was on 16-17 July 2000 that Central Mindanao University (CMU) in Musuan, Bukidnon, in collaboration with National Science Council of Taiwan, the East Asia-Pacific Regional LTER Network Committee and National Research Council of the Philippines, organized and sponsored the 1st Symposium on the Promotion of Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) and Biodiversity Studies in the Philippines.

        Six years after holding that 1st LTER Symposium, the Philippine National Committee for LTER and DIVERSITAS, Central Mindanao University and the Commission on Higher Education, have organized the 2nd LTER and Biodiversity Symposium to assess the status and progress of long-term ecological and biodiversity research activities in East Asia. The 3rd Symposium on LTER and biodiversity Research was at the Institute of Biology, UPD in November 20, 2010 and organized by CMU and UPD while the 4th scientific meeting was organized by PhiLTER and held in UP Diliman in conjunction with the East Asia Pacific-LTER 10th biennial meeting in June 2-7, 2014.


Objectives of the Conference

a. To present current trends in ecological and biodiversity research.
b. To disseminate long-term ecological and biodiversity research results conducted in the
Philippines to the researchers, policy makers and donors.
c. To encourage the establishment of LTER and Biodiversity sites.
d. To give insights to LGU’s, administrators, and heads of offices for policy formulation.
e. To strengthen research linkages/collaborations among researchers.



        The organizing committee welcomes submissions of abstracts for oral and poster presentations relevant to the theme “Philippine Long-Term Ecological Research (PhiLTER): Status, Updates and Collaborations”   Please indicate whether the abstract is for oral or poster presentation.  Submit it to Prof. Lalaine G. Sariana via email: The deadline for the submission will be on September 9, 2016. A notice of acceptance for either paper or poster presentation will be sent to the authors.



         International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) is a network of scientists engaged in longterm site-based ecological, biodiversity and socio-economic research.

        The mission of ILTER is to provide the scientific community, policy makers, and society with the knowledge and predictive understanding necessary to conserve, protect, and manage the nation’s ecosystems, their biodiversity, and the services they provide.

        East Asia and Pacific Regional Network of ILTER, or EAP-ILTER, was launched in 1995 as one of the six regional networks under ILTER Network. The main goal of the regional network is to enhance the long-term ecological research in this region, promote the information sharing and facilitates multilateral exchange and collaborations among the member networks and ecological research in this region and across the global LTER community.

        Endorsed member networks of EAP-ILTER include Australian Long-Term Ecological Research Network (Australian LTER Network), Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), Korea Long-Term Ecological Research Network (KLTER), Mongolian Long-Term Ecological Research Network (MLTER), Taiwan Long-Term Ecological Research Network (TERN), the US Long-Term Ecological Network (USLTER), Malaysia LTER, Vietnam LTER, Japan Ecosystem Research Network (JERN), Thailand Long-Term Ecological Research Network and Philippine Long Term Ecological Research (PhiLTER).


 Tentative Program 

        21 September 2016

  • Registration
  • Opening Program
  • Ribbon Cutting for Poster Exhibits
  • Keynote Address
  • Plenary Session 1 (Luzon LTER)
  • Plenary Session 2 (Visayas LTER)
  • Oral Paper and Poster Presentations

        22 September 2016

  • Plenary Session 3 (Mindanao LTER)
  • Oral Paper Presentations
  • Poster Paper Presentations
  • Workshop Topics:
  1. Taxidermy
  2. How to Establish Permanent Plot
  3. Collection Techniques and Processing of Biological Specimens
  4. Measurement of Forest Productivity: Litterfall
  • Closing Program


Keynote and Plenary Speakers





Keynote Address Dr. Theresa Mundita S. Lim Director, Biodiversity Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Plenary Session 1 (Luzon LTER) Dr. Perry S. Ong Professor, Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City
Dr. Edwino S. Fernando Professor, College of Forestry, University of the Philippines- Los Banos, Laguna
Plenary Session 2 (Visayas LTER) Dr. Angel C. Alcala National Scientist, National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
Dr. Ely L. Alcala Director, Siliman University Angelo King Center for Research and Environmental Management (SUAKCREM)
Plenary Session 3 (Mindanao LTER) Dr. Victor B. Amoroso Professor, Scientist III,  and Director, Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao (CEBREM), Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon

Expected Participants

  • Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao LTER
  • Non-LTER Researchers
  • LGUs
  • NGOs
  • Environmentalists


The Organizers

National Committee for LTER


Dr. Perry S. Ong Director, Institute of Biology (Wildlife Biology) and Chairman, National Committee for LTER
Dr. Angel C. Alcala Academician, National Academy of Science and Technology (Ecology and Systematics)
Dr. Victor B. Amoroso Professor and Scientist III, Central Mindanao University (Plant Morphology and Systematics); National Coordinator, PhiLTER
Dr. Paciente A. Cordero Immediate Past Executive Director, National Research Council of the Philippines-Department of Science and Technology (Marine Biology)
Dr. Edgardo D. Gomez National Scientist and Academician, National Academy of Science and Technology (Marine Ecology, Corals)
Dr. Theresa Mundita S. Lim Director, Biodiversity Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources


Institute of Biology, UP-Diliman

Dr. Perry S. Ong
Chair, National Committee, PhiLTER
Cellphone number: 09189015677

Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao (CEBREM), CMU

Dr. Victor B. Amoroso
National Coordinator, PhiLTER
Cellphone: 09175495084


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