UCGAD conducts Training of Trainers

Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar, Director of the University Extension, discusses the ethics of a trainer to the participants.
Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar, Director of the University Extension, discusses the ethics of a trainer to the participants.

The University Center for Gender and Development (UCGAD) conducted a Training of Trainers for the university GAD focal persons and advocates on May 30-31, 2013 at the Farmers Training Center (FTC).

The two-day training aimed to enhance the existing knowledge and skills of the GAD focal persons and advocates in mainstreaming gender responsiveness and equality in the academe and to improve the existing strategy and mechanism of the university in conducting Gender and Sensitivity Trainings for the first year and graduating students.

Select University Extension personnel were tapped as resource persons on the topics which included the Ethics of a Trainer by the Director of the University Extension, Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar; Methods of Teaching and Training Methodologies by the Head of the Capability Building Unit of the University Extension,  Dr. Maria Emily S. Damag; Basic Facilitation Skills by Ms. Helen S. Panganiban; Presentation Skills of a Good Trainer and Module Preparation by Ms. Conrada P. Yecyec; and Designing Simple Training Events by Ms. Chona B. Amoncio.

The focal persons and advocates were expected to generate substantial inputs on the need for information and counselling services relating to GAD to CMU students.

The UCGAD with Dr. Marciana R. Zaman as Director envisions being the hub of gender mainstreaming efforts within the university and the region it serves. As required by law and as part of the University’s efforts to be an excellent and relevant instrumentality of the state in bringing about change and improved quality of life for all, the UCGAD is mandated to help implement the government’s development agenda that is “empowering, equitable, and true for all regardless of age, sex, religion and ethnic origin.”

As the University sees itself as an institution of higher learning and the center of excellence in instruction, research, extension, and production in various fields of specialization so will the UCGAD be, seeing to it that gender equity and equality are served within the mandate of the university (FCTizuela and KDZambas/UPIO).

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