Breaking News

HIRING: The Department of Development Communication is in need of one (1) contract of service faculty member this First Semester 2020-2021.

Minimum Qualifications:
1. Preferably with Master’s Degree/Units in Development Communication/related field;
2. Preferably with Photography NC II;
3. Must have an outstanding scholastic record; and
4. Trained in flexible learning

1. Resume’
2. Transcript of records (TOR);
3. Certificate of seminars and workshops attended/participated;
4. Certificate of employment from past/current (if applicable); and
5. Result of neuropsychiatric examination (Dr. Jose J. Coruna, Sr. of
Sacred Heart Neuropsychiatric Screening Center, Cagayan de Oro City)

Please address your application to the University President, Dr. Jesus Antonio G. Derije through channel and send it to the Department Chair, Department of Development Communication, College of Agriculture, Central Mindanao University, University Town, Musuan, Bukidnon 8710 or via email to

The teaching demonstration is scheduled on August 11, 2020 (8 a.m.) at the College of Agriculture Dean’s Office Conference Room. Please prepare one (1) set of the requirements while produce seven (7) sets of Requirement # 1&2 (Resume and TOR).

For applicants outside Bukidnon, please notify the Department for the virtual demonstration arrangements.

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