HIRING: The College of Education is hiring ten (10) Contract of Service (COS) faculty members for the 1st Semester of AY 2020-2021.

The College of Education is hiring ten (10) Contract of Service (COS) faculty members for the 1st Semester of AY 2020-2021.

Six (6) Faculty major in Physical Education
Three (3) Faculty major in Science
One (1) Faculty major in English

Minimum Qualifications:
1. Must be a Licensed Professional Teacher
2. Preferably with Master’s Degree/Units in the field of specialization
3. Teaching experience is an advantage
4. Equipped and ready for flexible learning modality

Interested applicants must send their application letter together with documentary requirements (Transcript of Records, Personal Data Sheet/Curriculum Vitae,
and Copy of Certificates of seminars/training attended) addressed to JESUS ANTONIO G. DERIJE, President, Central Mindanao University through the following Department Chairpersons:

Dr. Freddielyn B. Pontemayor
Chair, Language Education Department
Email: freddielynbpontemayor@gmail.com

Prof. Procopio B. Galendez, Jr.
Chair, Physical Education Department
Email: procopiobgalendezjr@gmail.com

Prof. Ehlrich Ray J. Magday
Chair, Science Education Department

The deadline of submission: July 31, 2020

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