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CMUCAT – Central Mindanao University College Admission Test

Central Mindanao University College Admission Test

For School Year 2011-2012

Last Examination Schedule on

May 8, 2011
for those who have not taken the CMUCAT exam.

REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS (to be submitted during the exam):
  • Evidence of Educational Qualification:
    • High School Graduate — Photocopy of High School Report Card (Form 138)
    • Transferees — Photocopy of Transcript of Records duly evaluated by the CMU Registrar
  • 2 pcs 1×1 or 2×2 ID picture
  • Non-refundable Testing Fee (p125.00)
Forms will be released on May 2-6, 2011at the Admissions and Placement  Office
Requirements for Enrollment In-coming Freshmen
  1. CMUCAT Result
  2. Original Local Civil Registrar Form 1a (Certification of Live Birth)
  3. 4 pcs. 2×2 ID picture
  4. Original High School Card (From 138)
  5. Certificate of Good Moral Character
  6. Photocopy of Income Tax Return (if you are to avail of socialized tuition fee)
  7. Photocopy of marriage contract (if married)
Note:  Please keep a photocopy of your documents for your personal use.  All the documents that will be submitted cannot be withdrawn/borrowed.

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