CMU conducts Grade 11 Orientation Program

by: Renalyn G. Padoginog 

The University conducts orientation program for the incoming grade 11 students, today, August 5, 2016 at the CMU Convention Center.

The orientation aims to present to the students the academic rules and regulations of the university, as well as, the information about student housing, conduct, and discipline, among others.

Furthermore, Dr. Aprell L. Abellana (Coordinator, Grade 11 College Department) answers various senior high academic concerns and issues while Dr. Denis A. Tan (Principal, University Laboratory High School and Director, Office of Admission, Scholarship, and Placement) introduces and explains how the voucher system works especially to the parents who participate in the orientation program.


The voucher system is created for the Grade 10 completers to pursue Senior High School education in non-DepEd schools. Through this system, the students and their families are free to choose or decide for the program they want to pursue that is more relevant to their needs and career goals. It also enables students to avail a discount or a deduction from the cost of tuition and other fees charged by the non-DepEd schools they wished to enroll with. However, this privilege is not given in a form of cash to the students but will be disbursed by DepEd to the non-DepEd SHS they want to enroll. To know more about the voucher system just visit the Department of Education website.

On the other hand, the CMU offers the following Senior High School programs: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TechVoc), and Sports and Track Events (SportsTrack).

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