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CON Conducts Health Fair

cmu nursing Health Fair 1

The College of Nursing (CON) conducted a two-day Health Fair at Valencia City Jail on  January 24-25, 2013. With the able leadership of Prof. Ellen Gay S. Intong, CON Dean, 250 inmates benefited from the two-day Health Fair. Ms. Mevelle L. Asuncion and Mr. Donald G. Camatura, both clinical instructors of the College, assisted Prof. Intong along with 16 Level IV Nursing Students.

The activity started on January 24 (Thursday) with health assessment, information interview and formulation of nursing diagnosis for select inmates. Acupressure for pain relief and Ventusa Therapy for back pain relief were imparted. Health teachings about proper hygiene, first aid and wound care were also conducted. Free Random Blood Sugar (RBS) Testing was also done with the free strips from the Bukidnon Chapter Diabetes Educators (BCDE) to the inmates who had RBS reading of 200 mg/dL and above. Conversation maps were utilized as well during health teachings regarding the management of Diabetes Mellitus in terms of diet, medications and exercise.

The second day, January 25 (Friday), was devoted to Medical and Dental Mission. Medicines were distributed to the inmates and their families.

valencia city jail

The said activity would not have been successful without the participation of the volunteers from the University Medical Team headed by Dr. Aurfeli Taganahan-Emperio, with Dr. Jennelyn Joy C. Tizuela and Dr. Ma. Leilanie Mangubat-Buque.

cmu nursing Health Fair 2CON also acknowledges the full support and cooperation of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) jail warden, Moises Genetiano II, and the BJMP personnel. Most especially, Prof. Intong expresses her gratitude to Antonio O. Florendo Foundation (AOFF) through Mr. Russel U. Barrizo, who provided the much needed medicines for the Health Fair.

Prof. Intong added “this Health Fair is in recognition of the College of Nursing’s holistic approach in health care”.

As stated by Ms. Josie Lou Castro, a fourth year BSN student, “Indeed nursing is not just a profession but a vocation. It is a mission to serve, lead and care without discrimination.”

Mevelle L. Asuncion, MN, RN
Level IV Coordinator, College of Nursing
Diabetes Educator, Bukidnon Chapter
Ellen Gay S. Intong, MN, RN
Dean, College of Nursing

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