COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS 47th Anniversary Schedule of Activities

It has been another year of celebrating our annual foundation day for its 47th year in history. Great honor and proud of making our existence throughout the years as one family in this university. With that, we would like to invite you all to witness our humble yet passable activities in the College of Home Economics.

September 12 – 15, 2012

 September 13, 2012 (afternoon)

–          Opening Program (1:00 pm)

–          Kumbirahan 2012 @  CHE lobby this includes the following:

      • Table skirting
      • Flower arrangement
      • Table appointments
      • Cake decorating
      • Fruit Carving

–          Seminar Series Theme: “The Basic of First Aid” @ Room HE10 (2:00 – 5:00 pm)

 September 14, 2012 (Student’s Fellowship Day) @ the CHE Vicinity

–           Awarding of winners

–          Alumni Students, Faculty and Staff Fellowship Alumni

–          Amazing Race 2012

–          Laro ng Lahi

–          Cocktail Party

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