1. You may now ACTIVATE your institutional email.
To activate, go to mail.google.com and log-in using the default template:s.studentlastname.studentfirstname@cmu.edu.ph
EXAMPLE:Email: s.delacruz.jhonmark@cmu.edu.ph
Password: 2020300148
IMPORTANT: You only have 24 hours to activate your institutional email, otherwise, the default password will be changed. Countdown for the 24-hour limit will start TODAY, August 12, 2020 (9AM).For those who are not yet enrolled, you may access and activate your institutional email on August 21, 2020 since August 20 is the last day of the enrollment.
2. You are REQUIRED to fill out the Student Profiling Survey
through the following link: devops.cmu.edu.ph/sps
Your responses will be the bases for the modality of teaching-learning delivery per student this 1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021.
For questions and assistance regarding the Student Profiling Survey, please email the MIS Office at ictsupport@cmu.edu.ph