ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Beginning Today, New Students & Transferees can now activate their Institutional Email a day after they are officially enrolled.
To activate, go to mail.google.com and log-in using the default template:
Email: s.studentlastname.studentfirstname@cmu.edu.ph
Password: Student/ID Number
Email: s.doe.john@cmu.edu.ph
Password: 2020300148
Other Examples:
John A. Doe – s.doe.john@cmu.edu.ph
John A. Doe Jr. – s.doe.johnjr@cmu.edu.ph
John Dee A. Doe – s.doe.johndee@cmu.edu.ph
For questions and assistance regarding the Student Profiling Survey, please email the MIS Office at ictsupport@cmu.edu.ph