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3rd ANNIVERSARY AND SCIENTIFIC FORUM Announcement and Call for Poster

The 3rd Anniversary and Scientific Forum of the CEBREM will be held on 17-18 November 2015 at Farmers Training Center, Musuan, Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines


Symposium theme: “Unity in Biodiversity: Challenges for ASEAN Integration”.


About the Scientific Forum:

The concern for biodiversity awareness, conservation and sustainability is felt globally. Hence, the United Nations has declared 2011-2020 as the Decade of Biodiversity. However, biodiversity and sustainability must go hand-in-hand to attain the protection and preservation of life on earth. Wherever we live and whatever roles we do, we are part and affect the complex web of life. Anthropogenic activities influence much the state of biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystems. In line with this, fora and other scientific activities related to these aspects are much needed.

Call for Poster

Participants are invited to submit poster papers for competition. Posters are in all areas of Biodiversity. It should include the following identifying information: Name or title of research or project, author/s, complete name of institution & address, and contact number or email. Poster size should be 40”x30”. Please pre-register your entry on or before November 10, 2015 with identifying information thru this e-mail address: or call Prof. Lalaine G. Sariana thru this number: 09067982184. Entries not pre-registered will not be accepted for exhibit during the forum.

Travel to Symposium Location

The symposium will be held at the Farmers Training Center, Central Mindanao University (CMU), Musuan, Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines. The University is in the Municipality of Maramag, with the clearly visible landmark “Musuan Peak”.

  • The closest airports are those in Davao (direct flights from Manila, Cebu, Zamboanga, Iloilo, Puerto Princesa, and Singapore) and Cagayan de Oro City.  Cagayan de Oro port receives passenger boats from Manila, Cebu, Tagbilaran, Bacolod, Dumaguete, Iloilo, and Jagna, Bohol.
  • For those arriving by plane, a trip by land is required from either Cagayan de Oro City or Davao City.  From the Cagayan de Oro airport, you may take a taxi to the Agora Bus Terminal in Cagayan de Oro City. Take a Davao-bound bus; the 126 km trip to Musuan, located between Valencia and Maramag, usually takes 4-5 hours.  An alternative is to rent a vehicle from the airport all the way to Musuan.  The fare should be agreed upon before the trip.
  •  From the Davao City airport, take a taxi to the Ecoland Bus Terminal.  Take a Cagayan-bound bus for the 154 km trip to Musuan (located after Maramag and before Valencia). The land trip that passes the scenic and high elevation Marilog Forest and Mt. Salumay usually takes 4-5 hours.


Accommodations are available at the Farmers Training Center, Central Mindanao University campus in Musuan.  Most of the accommodations in Musuan are dormitory type or several sharing a room.  Please see below for options.

Air conditioned rooms:
Room 1-10 – Php 900/night (4-6 persons)
Room 15-19- Php 900/night (2 persons)
Room 20-24- Php 600/night (1 person)
Non air-conditioned rooms:
Room 11-14- Php 600/night (4-6 persons)


Dormitory rooms:
Room’s A,B,C & D- Php 100/head/night (20 persons/room)



Registration Fees

Fees are inclusive of symposium kit, dinner on November 16, 2015, breakfast, lunch, dinner and AM & PM snacks on November 17-18, 2015. Forward payment through Landbank of the Philippines, Central Mindanao University Account No.: 0352-1139-13. Please e-mail the scanned deposit slip to Ms. Fatima D. Oguimas ( on or before 10 November 2015.

Pre-registration P1,800.00
On-site P2,000.00





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