In line with the university’s journey towards global competitiveness, Central Mindanao University (CMU) invited a distinguished internationalization expert to the Faculty Conference 2024 at the University Convention Center on October 7, 2024.

Dr. Gaudencio C. Petalcorin Jr., a professor at Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology and a member of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Internationalization National Review Committee, delivered a talk on International Benchmarks for World Class Universities. In this talk, he emphasized the universities’ role in improving the global competitiveness of the country.
Dr. Petalcorin added that universities should invest in education that is not only relevant in the present times but also matches the skills needed for jobs in the future.
“We should be prepared for the new education curricula that are really needed for us to compete in the world,” Dr. Petalcorin said.
Moreover, Dr. Petalcorin stressed that universities are more than just learning institutions. Universities should also pave the way for the development of new knowledge and skills through research and development. He also mentioned that this is one of the metrics world university rankings look into.
Dr. Petalcorin also elaborated on how the university can capitalize on research opportunities both through public and private funding. He also encouraged the university to look for collaborations with other institutions.
Speaking on CMU’s internationalization efforts, he believes the university has high chances of entering more world university rankings.
“I very much believe in your capacity,” Dr. Petalcorin said.
At the end of his talk, Dr. Petalcorin reminded the attendees that entering the world rankings is a long process, and he is willing to help CMU in its internationalization journey.
Apart from Dr. Petalcorin’s talk, the faculty conference also included the presentation of newly hired teaching personnel and returning scholars, as well as the awarding of certificates to faculty authors. The conference was part of the university’s Teachers’ Day celebration. [Johnica Chantal Montero]